miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011



This new technology has been possible to develop the machine ehx22, despite the kindness of his nature, take time to be replacing other energy sources, renewables and more business comprises a privileged race between them, form partnerships to share the pie of the energies in all continents and do not skimp on getting congressmen influences among parliaments around the world.

With this background, which for now, say we can not dispense with hazardous energy, such as dirty and polluting coal, fossil and nuclear, warrant, there is nothing serious alternative, they should at least see the complete documentation
of machine-ehx22. Suits them to their inaction, the proliferation of dozens and dozens of gadgets to make electricity, free energy, which are broadcast on the World Wide Web even for more discredit on a page can be seen "free energy, free and unlimited for all" without removing merit to these inventors, and go ahead my utmost respect, none of these inventions can be an alternative to the needs of thousands of GW / h, and yes, it appears a clear intention of wanting to cancel the EHX22 MACHINE.

As guidance, let me present a comparison between the numbers of forces required to have either mechanically or electrically to produce electricity, the amount to be used is the same force that will provide us more about a 5% loss of friction. To get a horse vapor (cv) must be raised vertically a weight of 75 kg to 1 m 60 times per minute to 736 = w, if a home is often hire of 60/70 m2 5.5 kw, the power required by the system that generosity is lifting 585 kg 60 v / m, this gives an idea of ​​the truth that can have all these gadgets. The only known technology capable of providing free electricity to meet the needs growing at all in the World, is the machine EHX22 Patents, world-building, because it is driven by the hydraulic system of millions of kilos.

Its technology will revolutionize the future of electricity production, as the greatest advance that energy expertise, its largest model weighs 18.8 t occupies 100 m2 and the absence of risk can be located within towns and cities in this model its four electric motors pumps add 4122 hp (the equivalent of 324 000 kg up to 1 meter 60 times / minute), the energy costs of its own production, multiplied by more than a dozen times a 38/40 MW / h . Only the ITER project in France that test since 1986, with the participation of leading industrial countries, it may seem (predicted to within 20/30 years) and the large amount of electricity expected to spend the multiplied by ten times the scientists say, by the way, said it was not possible to draw more stuff that comes in, at least now admit that it is possible.

The idea of ​​this creation I owe my vocation by birth and my childhood and I started doing useful things. Preferably creations have developed water pressure in the sector. In 1966 the first prototype made by pouring molten iron and brass toilet tank whose discharge was for new partitions recessed wall 6 cm flushometer alternative to the U.S. do not require the large water storage tanks located on top of buildings and pipes ease the supplier (in this country all the good inventions do not see the light, if you're a millionaire or not influence), in the eighties I saw him in exhibitions of the sector. Security Expert'm in the last 40 years I have worked at times alternating with my work, I was perfecting the technology EHX22. Since the first prototype built in 1984 mechanic have registered four patents, with the fourth and last was all set. In addition to my many years of project experience, this creation was approved by a Professor of Fluid, and spent a few days after I said, this can not be touched.

This building consists basically of a rotor housed in its sleeve, the hydraulic system is powered by incorporating pumps and electric motors to turn the volume that houses the rotor up to 300 k/pcm2, they supported the shirt will sliding through it without changing-pushing-the areas of special planes inside the length of its sealing areas in the rotor practiced more than 1,300 tonnes, among the four areas, for newspapers and cyclic stretches up to speed 38/40 m / sec. produced between 38/39 MW / h. It is a new concept that will change the world of electricity to stop paying billions in oil daily, plus the cost of renewables, and so on. etc., by contrast, collects taxes, reversing the course of the economy of both states as the consumer, which also increased government coffers result in better services for citizens (by raising tax on a 0.048 euro per kilowatt, per million supply contract a month would mean over 35 million euros).

Among its wide range of electrical production, should be urgently implemented in locations with different powers risk areas before catastrophic natural events like hurricanes, earthquakes and other causing power cuts in urban, rural and coastal areas by storm surges, and above all, protect the security centers, hospitals, civilian and military and everything that involves unforeseen risks of power outages, mounting ehx22 machine model suitable for the needs of consumption-dispenses air transport.


This Patent of Invention, and world creation, is based on the difference of forces that exist between it needs to cause an explosion in a closed body and to be used to produce it. The difference in forces is used to make electricity by the inertia of a rotor which turns it into mechanical force.

The body that hosts the volume is designed to detach a part of it on the inside of a tunnel and walk some distance tight, but still receive the strength and without changing the volume while maintaining the thrust force on 60%, this average is multiplied by pushing more than twenty times the force used, this process is repeated periodically in a cyclic fashion. This gives for the first time, take advantage of some of the strength of an "explosion" in obtaining a permanent power provided by its pumps and electric motors, regardless of the elements of nature that now transformed into energy, such as water, wind , daylight, etc..

Bodies and mechanisms and practiced in shirt .- The Rotor Rotor diameter as each model has two, three or four areas framed by bands of tightness in the form of rectangular collars that extend the length of the rotor housed in recesses, composed of a special material with exceptional mechanical and dynamic properties in the most demanding technical field that gives the seal with the rotor and tightness in their rotation on the inside of his shirt and housing for its resistance to wear and be the least is vitiated in the elasticity of employment, promises years without leakage of the pressure prevailing inside the zones. The volumes are divided incorporates one in each area, housed in the container formed in the rotor and extends inside the area and occupies almost the length of the rotor, composed of two parts, one is set by the shirt and the other Rotor free in the cavity of the container, the wall is the anterior longitudinal thrust free face-to-face and from his other post-b-tear ducts and extend back to the end of your area with the band sealing, the length of these channels over the open space of the container is the length of the push cycle race, this whole area is filled with oil remains tight between the rotor and sleeve bands for sealing areas are separated by spaces between 12 º and 20 º depending on model, these spaces have practiced the opening and closing mechanisms of fluid steps act in time of deadlock in the changing cycles, in this same space between areas, there has been the mechanism that ensures that in the event that over time could cause oil leaks bands stagnate areas, go abroad led to pressures make it impossible to communicate between zones, thus ensuring the uniqueness of them. As for the Shirt-housing, have practiced the fluid inputs and outputs and all other fittings, valves and the coupling system of the tapas-bearing shields on which are supported and rotor necks body-frame support brackets and fastening to the bench.
Development of energy transformation .- The development of power conversion cycles are initiated at the same time in all areas that the model incorporates, from 2 to 4 according to its diameter, when the rotation of the rotor faces - a push-out of the shoes performed between areas that were kept sealed for completing the previous cycle (while the pumps that inject fluid accumulates in the expansion vessel) and placed on the vertices of the faces-a - begins to enter the fluid injected by the pumps (1 to 4 depending on model) together with the experience gained in the expansion vessel (accelerates the rise in pressure) at the same time in all areas, volumes begin to exert their power and to be supported in shirt form three-dimensional force vector projected in all directions, the face-to-by having a hand-over areas that b-and each other, their angular positions of the center spokes 100x100 shaft be favorable with respect to post-b-sides that are formed by drawing an open curve on the shaft as it grows inertia and increase the speed vectors are progressively moving forward projecting on the actual section of the area push-to-faces of the container and thus remain at rpm, the injected oil is coming through the open side of the pump containers directly to the volume (as does the traditional system straight line between the pump cylinder and pushes the plunger volume) pushes the free-to-face at the same time is slipping by the shirt together with its container without being able to vary and it goes on cm3 just turning up out of the container mouths and pour it into the ducts, the volumes continue to increase the thrust force, upon their mouths and are sealed by the shoe, the cycle ends with the oil that came out, less percentage is retained by the action of the valves and the change in cycle ends, close the outlet and open the entry and starting the next cycle on until reaching about 40 m / sec.

How much energy produced .- The electrical energy produced each model will result from the following equations: (1) calculate all the deductions to the working pressure in each model to obtain the average thrust adiabatic line of the race, (2) the total cm2 every face-to-real-section of thrust, (3) a few rv / pm will turn, (4) how fast you turn provided in meters per second (depending on the time units injection in cycles), (5) that the characteristics of the alternator to the expected production of special rotor diameter and length. Thus, the model under two areas, the real thrust section of the two planes joined by 40 k/pcm2 350 cm2 and its speed is 10.5 m / s per table Ohm's law will produce about 136 - 138 kw, and the larger pattern of four areas of its 4 sections totaling push real areas of 185 cm2 k/pcm2 7000 and its speed is about 38/40 m / s, so the alternator with the force that receives and according to that law, (this speed transmitted direct to the alternator rotor diameter, and 5% minus the heat of the magnetic field between the stator and rotor), will produce about 38/40 Mwh,

How much energy is spent on their own production .- The electricity supply is spending consumed by electric motors injection pumps incorporate each model according to different equations to perform calculations as follows: The smallest model is two areas and has a single pump that injects the two areas at once and run through a spin around 160 º + 20 º, the second full cycle around and the four cycles per revolution per 1,000 rv / pm at a pressure of 70 k / PCM2, the number of gallons that the pump injects a minute amount of oil will be maintained by each zone, plus the one in the outlet check valve to the expansion vessel (-) 10% of pressure that is retained to expel foreign oil that came to develop the 4,000 cycles in a minute, which is injected a percentage of 0.8% = a 52 l / m and the electric motor that corresponds to the pump will be of 6.7 kw . The master cast (limited in size for strawberries current vertical double column) is four areas with four pumps one for each zone, runs 78 º + 12 º in a cycle of thrust, the four areas at a time = to 16 cycles lap, turn 800 rv / pm and 310 pumps k/pcm2 injected each of the 4 areas at the end of the cycle and to expel foreign oil that came to develop it, leave the check valves inside a 30% of the average pressure of thrust, which applied to the calculation has to inject 3% from 14.8 liters of oil stored in each area = volume to 1,450 l / m and electric motor of 1,028 hp and will be among the consume four of 3,030 kw.
In short, the transformation of energy ehx22 machine, is the difference in power between that used in the development cycle and cyclical changes produced by its journalists, this is because the volume by pushing your body in rotation from that hosts the action of the injection, continues to rely on the shirt is slipping while pushing without changing a single cm3, and thus to inject a force at a rate of 0.5% per volume shrinks, the pressure it rises to 70 k/pcm2 and viscosity ISO-46 (-) keeps the pressure inside to inject 0.8%.
Energy is an economic factor of increasing concern for the continued growth in electricity consumption. Renewables and photovoltaics in particular are very expensive. The machine technology provides the power ehx22 with only the cost of depreciation and taxes that apply, drastically reducing the electricity bill of citizens and the outputs of public money, and instead, increase the treasury of the states, which would raise taxes rather than remove them. It's a 180 degree turn in our lives.

Pablo León Fernández

4 comentarios:

  1. Por primera vez, un circuito cerrado hidráulico consigue multiplicar la energía que gasta (de su propia producción) http://centralenergia.blogspot.com.es/ es la esperanza de la humanidad en el Mundo, la M-EHX22: http://youtu.be/6Kv5q0Z8ENQ

    Comenzar por sólo cargar baterías de coches eléctricos contribuyendo a limpiar la Atmósfera, podría ser el punto de inflexión para continuar con las siguientes etapas hasta su implantación total. http://hitoenenergia.blogspot.com.es/?view=classic

  2. En definitiva: La M-EHX22, es capaz de abastecer las necesidades energéticas de este Mundo pero, a un precio y limpieza desconocida:

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. La Máquina-ehx22, es el mayor invento que se conoce para producir energía, cuando los lobbies no les quede más remedio que comenzar a aceptar que es imparable el clamor humano, el Mundo iniciará el cambio.

    La M-EHX22 es en circuito cerrado hidráulico, incorpora el diseño inteligente de los mecanismos para que unos volúmenes empujen -sin variar- el rotor las carreras cíclicas periódicas alcanzando hasta 40 m/s empujando 1295 t produciendo 39 MW/H y de éstos, gasta 3,025 MW/H en abastecer sus bombas de inyección y ocupa 100 m2. En alternativas energéticas gastan cada año miles de millones y sí mejoran la contaminación, pero aún precio prohibitivo el kW. Hasta cuando? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy6L5ZXGG4w

    Buscando contribuir con la limpieza atmosférica en las ciudades he publicado:
    http://hitoenenergia.blogspot.com.es/?view=classic y para el Continente africano propongo: http://ayudaeficaz-a-africa.blogspot.com.es/
